Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday Morning Soliloquy...

There was a time when I would gladly walk under pouring worries about the phone in my pocket. I just had to open up my Nokia phone, leave it to dry and 'hey presto!' it'll work like new again...

How times have changed...

I now have an iPhone in my pocket...even the slightest rumble sends me running for shelter...

How times have changed...

Skies filled to the brim with grey clouds threatened a morning shower. But it did not prompt me to hasten my steps...

I actually stopped to avoid an ant trail. The surprising thing is not that I avoided an ant trail, the surprising thing is that I was actually walking slow enough to see one...everything seems to be on fast forward nowadays. I honk at a slow car, sidestep those on a slow pace and run to catch trains when the doors are closing...

Today. Today just seems different...something about it just makes me want to hit the slow-mo button. Walking out of church on this gloomy Sunday morning, I felt like I was the only one awake while the whole town turned over and decided to sleep in...

It was quiet. Even the rustiest engines seemed to whisper. The sound of the tyre kissing the asphalt, usually drowned by the hustle and bustle of the city, today, was deafening.

The sound of my feet crunching the gravel appeared unwelcome against the rustle of the leaves. I felt like an intruder, invading their privacy.

A tiny drop of rain that fell on my cheek could have almost been mistaken for tears...I brushed it off and caught another with the palm of my hand. A perfect sphere in the middle of my life line.

I walked past some dilapidated war-time buildings. It was probably the pride of the city in it's hey-day. The building itself as great as the person within it's walls. Even in ruins, the shadows of it's majestic past is unmistaken. Ignorance seem to be destroying it faster than the elements could.

As I headed step by step to my undefined destination, flashes of memory hit my mind. What has my life become? How is it that I have missed all things around me? In my pursuit of a better life, am I failing to live the life I have? Am I like a horse on blinders with view limited to what's in front of me rather than all around me?

Would I one day be like those war-time buildings...broken by mere ignorance?

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